Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Your Hillbilly Name Is...

Lil' Daisy Clementine


lonna said...

Bobbie Jean Carter. Now that's just lame. I have better hillbilly names in my family that that. Hell, there probably is a Bobbie Jean White or Bobbie Jean Jones somewhere in my lineage. I'm named after Lonnie Paul Voyles and my great grandmother's name was Gola May Jones. Give me real hillbilly nomenclature!

thelyamhound said...

Heh, heh . . . GOOSE BEAVER!! That one's actually pretty funny . . .

OMH said...

Ellie Mae Dallas - thank you very much - now I must go out yonder to the cement pond and see if there's in critters in it!

shawnak said...

ummmm...Betty Rose Beaver...hee hee, if my beaver is rose colored I better get it checked!

~A~ said...

Lil Daisy Rambler