Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Wish me luck!

I'm off with Sophie to tend my sister-in-law's boys. She has a 1 year old, a 5 year old, and a 7 year old. With Sophie at almost 3, that gives me 4 kids to chase with 2 years separating each. I've packed all the Yu-Gi-Oh and Dragon Ball Z movies for the 5 and 7, and have all of Sophie's Care Bear stuff for her and 1. We'll be there from 11:00-4:00. Pray for me.


NME said...

You are a brave, brave woman. And if you survive you should have quite a story to tell.

hazel said...

lord god or goddess on high or low or being one with the air or water or just om or whatev, please watch over our sister in motherhood, missuz boo becca J, and keep and preserve her sanity for all eternity or until 4pm her time, whichever comes first, amen.

Jen said...

I prayed, but you may need more than prayer for that.

amandak said...

Did you live?

Kodi said...

Hey, hope it all went well today. I'll see ya tomorrow for the ballet. You have my tickets, right?