OK. Here's the question. It's a fill in the blank.
I think that I am smarter than _____% of the people I meet.
Don't puss out. Don't say--"Well, in languages, or in outdoors stuff or whatever." Just a number. An honest number. You may follow the number with some dialogue if you wish, but nothing that tries to excuse or soften the blow of your chosen percentage. I expect from you erudite long winded boys some kind of comment on what constitutes "smart" and "smarter than." Hopefully, everyone is already clear on "people."
I'll go first. 75%
Keep in mind, most of my conversation is with minors and preschoolers. Also, I live in a hick town in the middle of the desert. BUT truth told, I'm also a bit of an intellectual snob.
See how I did that? I went ahead and excused my percentage. Didn't follow the instructions. Guess I'll drop that down to a 74%.
There. Your turn.
Honestly, I would say 99%. Boy, don't I feel like a snob now. When I was a little kid, I was such a braggart about this kind of stuff that I had no friends. But dammit, I think it's the truth.
Damn, tough question, with the potential to make one look like an ass. In my heart of hearts, I'd have to say 90%. But that 10% makes me feel like shit.
Lots of different kinds of smart. So I'd say 70.
I'll go with 75%. I'll admit that I'm no super genius, but I'm very well learned in many subjects of useless information. I do excel in some places in others (I so suck at language arts).
When it comes to common sense smarts, I would say 96%. Rob is like 42%
Probably 95%, but I will say that I meet a lot of stupid people, so maybe I am not that smart, but just smarter than most of the idiots I meet.
that is all.
I think that I am smarter than 97% of the people I meet.
I think there are many, many people that I don't meet that are smarter.
Also, since we all meet different people, remember that these percentages are not comparable. (Sorry, I'm a researcher. Can't help myself.)
NME is right though, lots of kinds of smart, so it's tough to generalize.
I think there are a lot more smarties out there than some of you think.
I become less comfortable with my capacity for measuring, or even defining, "intelligence" every day. I'd say I'm a better logician than 90% of the people out there, but if I do my best to take all kinds of intelligence into account, and control for what I think when I'm on the upsides and downsides of my mood swings . . . I'll go with 70%.
To piggyback and expand on TBO's statement, though, I think there are a lot of stealth smarties, people who are smart and don't let on OR people who are smart but patently anti-intellectual. I've actually always championed and aspired to this last state, sort of the way Bruce Lee always championed the notion that the perfect martial artist is the one who has lost all ties to form and technique; but the fact is, I'm far too mired in the act of knowing to get past it just yet.
45% I run in a tough crowd - I'm just a good old fashion HIC - I can't spell worth a darn and use the wrong word when trying to impress someone. But it's not lower because I am smarter than the grandkids!!!
I've been meeting lots of smarties lately, good for the ego.
I'd ask what you meen by "meet" though. I took it to mean people you're actually introduced to, or kmow their names. If we were talking people you "encounter" in the world, that number would be WAY different.
65%, and I really hate that other 35%. Which raises the question: Why do I consider them such good friends?
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